Welcome Home Uncle Bud!

August started out with a BANG with the arrival of Uncle Bud (Mathias) from Sweden. Oh how I have missed my brother! It always feel like he has never left and we can pick up right where we left off. I miss him when he is not here . My mom commented how we sound just like we did when we were in high school - bantering back and forth, joking around, just that brother-sister stuff that I only have when Bud is around.
Grady, Finley, Ya Ya and I went to the airport to pick Mathias. We had a sign, American Flags and Grady was wearing his Swedish Viking hat (a gift from the last visit). Fan fare that only a true American deserves! The only plans we had for the visit was Mathias' Class of 89 reunion and Thanksgiving Dinner.
We had such a great time. It went by too quickly. We did some shopping and just spent as much time as we could catching up. We are counting the days until he comes back!
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