Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
We ventured out to the Fairport Memorial Day Parade today. Grady was exhausted from our trip to Utica to visit friends on Sunday. He was so desperately wanted to take a nap during the parade, but there was just too much excitement. Finley slept through the entire parade with the exception of the two times she lost her binky, but thankfully she went right back to sleep.
David pushed Grady in his car down to the parade. He thought that was extremely fun...but he liked being able to run around the grass and from David, to YaYa and to Mommy better!
Friday, May 22, 2009
One Month
Everyone is so curious to know how Grady has been adjusting and he has been better than I could have ever hoped for. He is in love with his baby sister. He is constantly running over to give her kisses. He is concerned when she cries (he will go to David or myself and point to Finley and "tell" us that something is wrong) and likes to stroke her head.
We feel so blessed to have this perfect little baby! I only wish that I could shellack her and keep her tiny for longer because boy is she growing quickly!
At one month Finley.....
At one month Finley.....
*weighs 9 pounds 4 ounces (up two pounds one ounce from birth!)
*measures 20 1/2 inches long (up 1/4 inch from birth)
*eats every three hours
*has been going 5 hours consistently at night (Mommy enjoys that!)
*has been smiling for about a week
* loves to stretch out on the floor and look at herself in the mirror
*went to the zoo for the first time with Daddy, Mommy, and Grady (she slept the entire time)
*loves to be held and cuddled
*enjoys the swing
*enjoys riding in the car
*tolerates all of her big brother's kisses
*is still wearing all of her newborn clothing
*has the nick names: Miss Finn, Sassy McGee, Angel Girl (Daddy's nickname) & Fuzzy Finley
Labels: Finley
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Ya Ya and her two favorites!
Ya Ya has been helping out for the past two weeks. She comes every morning and gets Grady up and takes care of him in the morning while Finely and I sleep! She then heads to work by 12:30 and Grady, Finley and I are on our own for the day. It has been so wonderful having her help during this transition.
I snapped this picture of Ya Ya and her two favorites this morning!
Settling In...
Well, we are settling into our new routine as a family of four. Finley is now 2 weeks old. It's amazing because I've almost forgotten what life was like before she arrived. It's as if she has been her forever!
Grady is doing great. He loves Finley. He will stop whatever he is doing and just come over and give her a kiss. He is concerned if she starts to cry. He seems really enamored with her-and we could not ask for anything more!
Here are some new pictures of Miss Finley.