Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hat Heads...
We have had a couple of hat days in our house. Grady LOVES wearing hats! He frequently asks me to get him a hat out of the closet to wear around the house. Finley, on the other hand HATES wearing hats. I was able to sneak one on her the other day and snap a couple of cute shots. Boy am I dreading fall and winter with this girl!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
First Day of PreSchool

Today was Grady's first day of PreSchool. He will be attending Tuesday/Thursday preschool at the Southeast YMCA this year.
Grady's teachers are Mrs. Shaughnessy, Ms. Maureen, and Mr. Nick. He has 17 children in his class. 4 girls and yes... 13 boys! Thank goodness for Mr. Nick. As a parent and former early childhood educator, I am so thankful that Grady has a male influence in the classroom.
I am looking forward to all of the adventures that lie ahead of Grady this year. He will be swimming one day a week which I know he will love!
I found it interesting this year how I was happy to send him to school. There were no tears. I know that there will be adventures and projects and play time and puzzles and most of lots and lots of fun! I hate that he is growing up, but it is inevitable. So... I am trying to enjoy every moment!
Labels: Grady
Monday, September 13, 2010
Let's Catch Up...
I've been a terrible Blogger this year. I'm ashamed that I have not posted anything. Looking at my last posts, I am reminded of how much my two little ones have grown. They are just amazing! Let's catch up!
Miss Finn. Currently 16 months & 3 Weeks! (How did this happen?) She is walking (finally- she just started a little over a month ago) & is a chatterbox. She says over 30 words and is constantly repeating everything I say! She is still a Mommy's girl - which I love! Finley loves Grady & now that she is really mobile, she is always one step behind Grady. She is my good eater. She is the one that wants to eat & will try anything.

Look at this BIG boy! Grady is almost 3. I cry whenever I start to think about him actually turning 3! As much as I am so thankful for his health and that he is developmentally where he should be... I am heartbroken that he is ending his toddler phase and starting he preschool years. Grady is so funny! He even says "Grady's funny" which is not something that I am happy about. I have visions of him wanting the label of "the class clown". He knows all of his ABC's. Many of his numbers and all of his colors. He is left handed dominate & loves practicing his letters. Coloring & cutting are fun activities right now. He will sit for an hour and sit at the table with me while I work on something. It's fun to see his interest span growing. His speech is doing well. I was worried so long about it... but he really is right on target.