Sorry it's been awhile since I have blogged. I really have no excuse, except that I have a year old little boy and am 18 weeks pregnant. Does that work?
We have been busy doing random things. The Friday after Grady's birthday party, I hosted a baby shower for my best friend Joe. I was a soup making fool. We had three different soups, salad, fruit, cheese and bread. It was perfect as it was about 25 degrees that night. We had a great time and Joe got great things for Lucy!
I spent the next week trying to recuperate from the shower and get our house back in order.
Thanksgiving was wonderful. We spent the day with Ya Ya, Mr. and Mrs. Howie and Tiffany Pendell (who had to stay behind in NY while her family was in Michigan because she had to work on Friday). The food was wonderful and Grady ate everything that we gave him. The only thing that we did not give him to try was the brussel sprouts! (Neither David or I like them, so we decided that Grady did not need to be subjected to them!)
Monday was the first day of our Christmas card photo shoot. The above picture is my favorite from the shoot. Unfortunately, as I started to edit the pictures I noticed that Grady still had mac and cheese on his face from lunch and it was even on his onzie! Argh! As hard as I tried I could not edit it out, so yesterday we tried again, this time with a different outfit and I got some great shots. I'll share some of the ones that we did not choose this week. I'm finding it hard to actually get pictures of him now because he is on the go and so fast! Photo shoots tend to be 10 minutes and I manage to get about 100-150 pictures in that amount of time--granted only about 20-30 are keepers, but at least I have a lot to choose from.
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday. Things are looking great with the BITB. We are just 18 weeks and things are going well. We go on the 15th for our next ultrasound to find out if it is a boy or a girl. I am extremely anxious to find out. I am pretty much half way through the pregnancy. The doctor said on Monday that as long as everything is going fine and the baby and my body are tolerating the pregnancy they will wait until week 37 to deliver me. So, that looks to be the week of April 13th. Which will come fast. We are anxious to start getting the baby's room ready, but have decided to wait until the new year to start any projects.
This week will be quiet as we start to get ready for the holidays. I need to have David bring the Christmas decorations upstairs so I can begin to get things out. I was telling someone that it will be weird, as we did no decorating last year with Grady in NICU. So, I am sure that it will be interesting to see some of the decorations that I have probably forgotten about!
Labels: Auntie Jo Jo, BITB, Grady, Lucy